Devlopment Environment Tools

The Worker Bee is a dev tool that allows developers to more quickly spin up new full stack, serverless web apps. In order to get started, there are a few components that we must make sure you have on your machine.

Code Editor

If you don't already have one, finding and choosing a code editor for your project will be important. There are a lot of options available, but here are our favorites:

Visual Studio Code

Node and NPM

Having Node.js installed on your machine is useful for many different JavaScript-based projects. While your codebase generated by The Worker Bee aims to have as few third-party packages as possible, there are some that just make life a lot easier. The Worker Bee primarily uses node to deploy your project from the command line. Here are the download instructions for node and npm:


Wrangler CLI

The last component of our development environment that we have is Cloudflare Wrangler. This command line tool allows you to deploy Cloudflare Workers from your terminal and fine tune your Worker configuration by using a wrangler.toml file. With Node.js and NPM installed, you shouldn't have to worry about separately installing Wrangler, as it'll be installed locally to your project when we run the npm install command later.