OAuth Providers

"Sign up with Google", "Continue with GitHub", "Log in with Facebook"... you see this all the time with apps that you use everyday. This functionality is possible because of OAuth (open authorization). The Worker Bee aims to provide production ready features for the apps that are generated by our web app builder.


As one of the most widely used OAuth providers for apps, and The Worker Bee include supports support for Google user creation and login out of the box. To get set up, you'll need to take care of a few tasks within Google Cloud Console.

Create a Project

When you go to Google Cloud Console, they'll have you complete some initial account creation steps. If you already have a Google account, you should only have to choose your country and agree to their terms of service. Once you've done that, go to the New Project screen to create a project with Google.

Now, just enter your desired project name, select the location for this project to be located, press the "Create" button, and your project will be created.

Please note that if you don't have an organization set up, you can leave the location field set to the "No organization" option.

Google Auth Platform

With your new project ready to go, head to the Google Auth Platform to begin setting up the Google login. Your new project should prompt you with a "Google Auth Platform not configured yet" message. Press the "Get Started" button and follow their steps to configure the auth platform.

Initially, this client will be set up for testing. In order to use your new Google login, you'll need add some test users by pressing the "+ Add Users" button from the Audience area of Google Auth Platform. When your app is ready to be published, go back to this Audience tab and press the "Publish App" button to begin Google's app verification process.

Create OAuth Client

After configuring the platform, you'll need to create an OAuth client. Please fill out the fields like this:

  • Application type
    • Choose "Web application"
  • Name
    • Provide a name of your choosing for the client
  • Authorized JavaScript origins
    • Enter the base URL of your app - https://yourdomain.com - where "yourdomain.com" is the domain name that you're using for your Cloudflare project
  • Authorized redirect URIs
    • Enter the Google redirect auth endpoint from your project with The Worker Bee - https://yourdomain.com/api/auth/google/callback - where "yourdomain.com" is the domain name that you're using for your Cloudflare project.

Finally, be sure to copy your "Client ID" and "Client secret" from the right side of the "Client ID for Web application" page for the client that you just created above.

More OAuth Provider Options Coming Soon...

  • Apple
  • GitHub
  • Facebook
  • Microsoft